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マラウイのコンソル・ホームズ・オルファン・ケアからメッセージが来ました Message from Malawi


2008年秋に訪問以来、mudefではこれまで、同センターに通う子どもたちの支援を行う「Love is Free Campaign」を展開してきました。

そのセンターの代表である、アルフレッド・チャポンバよりHOPE FOR JAPANへメッセージが届きました。


Mr. Alfred Chapomba, Board Chairperson of Consol Homes Orphan Care (CHOC) in Malawi, sends out his message for 'HOPE FOR JAPAN'.

About 16,000 children who have lost one or both parents/guardians due to AIDS-related diseses visit CHOC to receive financial and psychological support. 

mudef has implemented 'Love is Free Campaign' to support these children since 2009.











アルフレッド・チャポンバ 理事長





The Board Cahirperson, The Executive Guardian, Management and Staff, Volunteers and the beneficiariesof Consol Homes Orphan Care (CHOC)  learnt with deep shock sadness on the devastating calamity that befell the beautiful  and lovely over 30,000 people of Japan recently.

We are of the opinion that these were not the unlukiest people to suffer such devastation for it is said, 'Its not the luckiest that survive dangers not the fastest that escape danger and neither the wisest that escape damngerous circumstances, but time and chance happens for all'. As such, since chance was not in their favour, we feel the loss with the surving family members especially children who have to start life over again without their loved ones.

While knowing and understanding that life is like that and that as human beings we were made not know what befalls us tommorow, it suffices to trust in the Great Creator who is the best conforter af all the bereaved families while giving more courage and strength (resilience) in the affected people besides more abilities to those that are carrying out rescue operations. More so, the Government of Japan.

Sincerely thinking about you during these hard moments of time while appreciating your support for Malawi Children that have suffered the blow of loss of parents due to HIV and AIDS.


Alfred Chapomba for Board Chairperson 

Consol Homes Orphan Care (CHOC)