85年、コンテムポラリー・プロダクション設立。松任谷由実のアルバムジャケットの制作を機に本格的にジャケットデザインを始める。以降、ピチカート・ファイヴ、Mr.Children、MISIA、元ちとせ、GLAYなど、これまで手掛けたレコード&CDジャケット数は1000枚にせまる。 98年、映画「代官山物語」を発表。桑田佳祐「東京」では03年度のスペースシャワーMVA BEST OF THE YEARを受賞。
03年 リリー・フランキー脚本による短編映画「男女7人蕎麦物語」を発表。06年夏、初の劇場長編映画「男はソレを我慢できない」を発表。
08年のカーボンオフセット年賀状ではトータル・デザインを手掛けた。 08年、自身の新境地である"書"を表現手法とし「信藤三雄の福は内展」を開催。同年夏、高橋幸宏氏と共に1万人を動員した野外フェスティバル「WORLD HAPPINEES」のキュレーター&総合デザインを務めた。
作品集に「シーティーピーピーのデザイン」、「続シーティーピーピーのデザイン 絶頂編」など。
Art Director/ Film Director /Photographer
Established Contemporary Production (c.t.p.p.) in 1985. Got actively engaged in CD jacket design with the production of Yumi Matsutouya's album jacket. Since then he has produced the record and CD jackets of great artists such as Pizzicato Five, Mr. Children, MISIA, Chitose Hajime and GLAY and the number of works almost reaches 1000.
In 1998, he has released a film titled 'Daikanyama Monogatari' and in the same year the music video of Keisuke Kuwata's single 'Tokyo' which SHINDO produced was awarded of 03' SPACE SHOWER MVA BEST OF THE YEAR. His talent in film making was also shown in the following works such as 'Danjo Shichinin Soba Monogatari' in 2003, a short film of which script was written by Lily Franky and his first-ever long film 'Otoko ha Sorewo Gaman Dekinai' in summer 2006.
He is also active as a CM director and has directed a number of works such as of Right-on, Wacoal, Kumikyoku by ONWARD KASHIYAMA, DCT, new balance, Menard, AC and so on.
He has also been actively engaged in social works and in 2005, he participated in two big social activity movements in Japan, 'Hottokenai Sekai no Mazushisa Campaign' (White band project) and Product Red (Motorola) as a film and art director.
In 2006 and 2008, he founded two magazines 'Erokoto' and 'Lovekoto' respectively in collaboration with Ryuichi Sakamoto, who is a world famous composer, musician, producer, actor, and environmental activist. SHINDO was in charge of designing 2008 carbon-offset New Year's Greeting Card. In the same year he launched on a new challenge in the field of Japanese calligraphy and held an exhibition 'Shindo Mitsuo no Fuku ha Uchi ten'. In the summer of 2008, he has committed himself as a curator and total designer of 'WORLD HAPINESS', an open-air music festival with Yukihiro Takahashi and mobilized 10,000 people. Has released two art collection books 'Design by C.T.T.P.' and 'Design by C.T.T.P. 2'.