mudefでは、mudefのサイトをご利用していただくにあたって、皆様から氏名、住所、電話番号、メールアドレス等個人を識別できる情報(以下「個人情報」といいます。)をご提供していただく場合がございます。 mudefは、以下のとおり、個人情報に関する取扱い方針を定め、これに従って、個人情報のより適切な管理と維持に努めます。
[ mudef ]
e-mail : info@mudef.net
Privacy policy
mudef may ask for your personal data and information such as name, address, phone number, email address, etc upon the use of this site. mudef lays down its policy regarding the treatment of personal data and information as below and makes every effort for the appropriate treatment of these information.
The purpose of the use of personal information
mudef solely uses the personal information in order to appropriately respond to the user's inquiries
The disclosure and provision of the personal data and information to the third parties
mudef does not disclose or provide user's personal data and information to the third parties apart from the following case;
When the disclosure is in accordance with the laws and regulations or when it is inevitable for the safety of individuals and the protection of properties.
When the concerned users give advance consent on the disclosure or the provision of the information.
When mudef outsources the handling of personal data to the third party on the condition that the entrusting is in good agreement with the purpose of the personal information use stated above. We will ensure that the third party and mudef will enter into a nondisclosure contract and take necessary and appropriate management procedure in order to guarantee the security of personal information.
When the personal information is handed over in order to establish the new information management system.
The management of personal information on the bulletin board on internet, etc
mudef do not take any responsibility for the personal information that the user him/herself had disclosed on the online bulletin board even though we are striving for the appropriate management of the bulletin board in accordance with the relevant rules. We would strongly recommend for each user to be cautious about the information disclosure on the website.
We also do not take any responsibility for the handling of the personal information on the website which is managed by the third party such as linked pages. We would strongly recommend users to examine the policy and the precautions of the each linked page.
Disclosure, correction and the suspension of the use of personal information
mudef understands that the user him/herself possesses the right to claim the disclosure, correction and the suspension of the use of personal information. We will promptly and appropriately respond to these claims.
However, we cannot respond to the claim in the following cases;
When there is any possibility to infringe on the law;
When there is any possibility to significantly obstruct the operation of the organization;
When it is applicable to the grounds for exception of the law.
Please note that we will request the user to proceed with the necessary identity verification procedure and may require service fees upon making claims.
Amendment of the privacy policy
Upon the alteration of the law and systems, mudef may modify this privacy policy. We will inform users when the modification happens.
Please contact mudef office on the email below when you have any inquiry on this privacy policy and the management of users' personal information.
[ mudef ]
e-mail : info@mudef.net