mudef - Music Design Foundation -


MDGs [Millennium Development Goals]



病院に行くお金がなかったり、家族を養うために働かざるを得ず、結果、読み書きができずに十分な意思疎通が難しくなる可能性もあります。 また、そうした事情から、安定した収入を得たり、社会の一員として意思決定に参加したりできず、日々を生き延びることに精いっぱいになり、その結果、貧困状態から抜け出すことが難しくなります。
栄養失調は、健康を損なうだけではありません。子どもの場合、学習意欲も低下してしまい、学校に通うことも困難になることもあります。 貧困と飢えの克服は、人が人として当たり前の生活を送るための最低限必要な条件です。
Project Magosoでは、ケニアの首都ナイロビにあるキベラスラムで生きる子どもたちをサポートするプログラムを展開。子どもたちの支援を通じて、彼らの未来を支えています。

Project Magoso




「Project Magoso」は、ケニアのキベラスラムにあるマゴソスクールをサポートしています。学ぶ喜びを1人でも多くの子どもたちに知ってほしい。そんな願いが込められています。

Project Magoso





















2006 年時点で、南アジア(42%)とサハラ以南アフリカ(44%)では、出産のうち熟練した医療従事者の立ち会いのもとに行われました割合が依然として低いのが現状です。


mudefに参加するMISIAは、2008年から開発途上国の妊産婦と赤ちゃんの健康と命を守る国際的なキャンペーン、「White Ribbon Alliance」に参加しました。




エイズとは、HIVウイルスに感染することで引き起こされる病気です。これまでに感染者数はおよそ4200万人にのぼり、2200万人が命を落としました。今なお、毎日新たに7500 人近くがHIV に感染し、5500 人がエイズで死亡していますが、そのほとんどはHIV の予防・治療サービスの欠如が原因です。これらHIV 感染者のうち、約7割は、サハラ以南アフリカに暮らしています。そしてサハラ以南アフリカのエイズ患者の6割が、女性です。




エイズ、マラリアと並び、世界三大感染症の一つが、結核です。結核は2000年以降増加しており、2006 年の死者は170 万人、2007年の新規感染者は930万人に上ります。特に、アジアやサハラ以南アフリカで多く発生しており、感染者のうち140万人がHIV陽性患者です。

「Love is Free Campaign」では、アフリカ南東部に位置するマラウイのエイズ孤児センターの子どもを支援しています。目的はマラリア予防のための蚊帳を配ること。そして、マラリア予防のために必要な、知識を伝えること。

2010年2月には、第1回配布として、500張が送られました。Love is Free Campaignは、継続してマラウイの子どもたちの支援を実施します。
















MDGs [Millennium Development Goals]

MDGs are comprehensive and specific development goals which were set by combining United Nations Millennium Declaration, adopted at the United Nations Millennium Summit in 2000 and other various international development goals adopted at major international conferences and summits in 1990s.
It sets 8 goals such as eradicating extreme poverty and hunger and achieving universal primary education which are to be accomplished by 2015.


Goal1: End poverty and hunger

United Nations lay out the goal to halve the population who suffer from poverty and hunger by 2015.
As of 2005, 1 out of 4 people in the developing world and 1 out of 2 people in Sub-Saharan Africa live under 1.25 USD per day.
Poverty leads to various problems.
It contributes to the lack of enough food and nutrition, access to clean and safe water and access to medical services. It also leads to illiteracy since people are forced to work to feed their family instead of attending school, which may result in the communication problem in the end.

Such condition results in the vicious circle of poverty because it prevents people from making steady income or participating in the decision making process of the society.

At the same time, hunger is also a serious problem.
840 million people across the world suffer from malnutrition and 799 million of them live in the developing countries. In Sub-Saharan Africa, one out of 3 people are suffering nutritional deficiency.
Malnutrition, not only contributes to ill health, also affects children's education because it decreases the motivation to study and may lead to the absenteesm from school.

Ending poverty and hunger is minimum requirement for human to live a life with dignity.
mudef implements 'Project Magoso' which supports children in Kibera Slum, Nairobi. Through the project, we aim at supporting children's brighter future.

Goal2: Achieve universal primary education

Goal2 set the goal that every child in the world can finish primary education.

As of 2007, 72 million children across the world cannot go to school. Many of them live in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. In sub-Saharan Africa, 1 out of 4 children are not able to attend school.

Education is essential not only for leading life with dignity, but also for acquiring higher skills and rising out from poverty. It is essential for children to grow and learn healthily in order to ensure income in the future and emerge from poverty.

mudef operates 'Project Magoso', which supports children at Magoso School in Kibera Slum in Nairobi. Through the project, we aim to realize the goal that more and more children can feel the joy of learning.

Goal3: Promote gender equality and empower women

Goal3 lays down the goal to solve gender disparity at all level of education by 2015.

We call the ability and the process to acquire it 'empowerment' that women exert their own capability in the society and lead a life with decision making power on their own.

Education is essential for empowerment of women and accomplishment of gender equality.

It is thought that when women receive education, their children are more likely to attend school and it leads to end the vicious circle of prevailing poverty over generation. Though education, one can attain ability to consider and express their own opinion about their surroundings such as politics, society, economy and environment, which results in higher motivation to build better society.

Girls' education is not only inevitable for the empowerment of women themselves but also for achievement of other goals of MDGs and the realization of sustainable development.

Goal4: Reduce child mortality

Goal4 aims to reduce under-five child mortality by two third from the number in 1990.

In 2007, more than half of the deaths of children under-five in the world, namely 4.6 million deaths happen in sub-Saharan Africa.

The biggest reasons of those premature deaths include birth giving without attendance of skilled midwives and inadequate healthcare. They are followed by the SARS such as pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria and measles.

Most of the diseases that cause child death in developing countries are preventable in developed countries. However, in developing countries it is still difficult to access appropriate medical treatment.

Goal5: Improve maternal health

Goal5 aims at reducing maternal mortality ratio by three fourth from 1990 by 2015 and achieving universal access to reproductive health care.

4 out of 5 cases of maternal deaths are caused by complications that derive from pregnancy and childbirth. Malnutrition is another factor to affect pregnant women's health condition. In order to reduce maternal mortality, effort must be made in various aspects such as; ensuring that child delivery attended by doctor, nurse or midwives with appropriate skills, introducing adequate equipment in preparation for the case of complication and establishing medical institution referral system.

As of 2006, the ratio of child delivery that was attended by skilled medical worker was still low in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, with the ratio 42% and 44% respectively.

MISIA, one of the participating artists to mudef, has taken part in 'White Ribbon Alliance' since 2008. White Ribbon Alliance is an international campaign which aims at protecting lives and health of expected mothers and babies in developing world. The campaign carries out activities such as signature-collecting to appeal the importance of reproductive health to world leaders.

Goal6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases

Goal6 set a goal of halting the HIV/AIDS prevalence and achieving universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS by 2015. It also targets to halt the spread of major diseases such as malaria by 2015.

AIDS is a disease caused by the infection with HIV virus. So far the number of infected people hit 42 million and 22million out of them has lost their lives. About 70% of the infected individuals live in sub-Saharan Africa and 60% of them are women.

In developing world, malaria and TB are also the main cause of deaths. Malaria is an infectious disease spread by anopheles. Every year 500 million people get infected and more than 1 million people die of the disease. 90% of them live in sub-Saharan Africa.

Malaria's impact is not limited to health aspect. Since the illness leads to children's absenteesm from school, it sometimes results in the repetition of the grade and drop out. Even if children can get back to school, a large number of children feel uncomfortable because they do not have friend in the same grade and eventually drop out of school.

Recently, large-scale distribution of the insecticide-treated mosquito nets has been started. However the number is still not enough to cover all the need for mosquito nets across the world.

Child AFRICA, one of the programs of mudef, has been implementing a project called 'Love is Free Campaign'. The project aims at supporting children of the HIV/AIDS orphan care center in Malawi. In February 2010, first delivery of the bed nets was carried out and 500 nets were distributed.

Goal7: Ensure environmental sustainability

Goal 7 aims at 1)integrating the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs and reverse the loss of environmental resources, 2)reducing biological diversity loss by 2010 and retain the biodiversity, 3)halving the proportion of the population without access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation, 4)achieving a significant improvement in the live of at least 100 million slum dwellers.

Among the targets above, mudef concentrates on the issue of biodiversity.

The issue of biodiversity and poverty are related very closely.

Every year 13 million hectare (same as the land area of Bangladesh) of forest is lost across the world. Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the areas which witnesses most rapid forest destruction in the world.

In March 2010, MISIA was appointed as an honorary ambassador for the tenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP10). As an honorary ambassador, MISIA will be engaged in information and message dissemination activities and mudef supports these activities.

Goal8: Develop a global partnership for development

Goal8, unlike other goals, refers to the responsibilities that developed countries must fulfill. In order to meet at least the minimum requirement for people in developing countries to survive, it is inevitable that developed countries have high awareness and actively commit to the international development. There are many roles that should be taken by developed nations.

mudef thinks that the first step we can take is to learn about MDGs and disseminate messages related to it.
We will promote better understanding of MDGs and consider 'What we can do' and 'What action we can take' through 'Hoshizora no keibitai(Hoshizora Guardians) and Make a Noise Campaign.