mudefを通じてTAKURO(GLAY)が寄付 TAKURO (GLAY) makes donation through mudef.
TAKURO(GLAY)が、一般財団法人mudef(ミューデフ)の東北地方太平洋沖地震の緊急支援活動「HOPE FOR JAPAN」に参加、10,000,000円を被災者のために寄付しました。
HOPE FOR JAPANを通じて集められた募金は、mudefを通じて、現地で被災者支援のために活動されている団体へ寄付します。
TAKURO (GLAY) has joined ‘HOPE FOR JAPAN’, and donated 10,000,000 yen for the victims of the Great Tohoku Earthquake of 2011.
Funds raised through ‘HOPE FOR JAPAN’ will be donated to organizations working to support the victims in the disaster-stricken areas through mudef.
GLAY Official Website: