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HOPE FOR JAPANのパートナー団体の活動について Activities conducted by 'HOPE FOR JAPAN' partner organizations


東北地方太平洋沖地震への緊急支援「HOPE FOR JAPAN」では、緊急救援・医療支援の実績を持ち、行政とも連携して被災者の方々への支援を展開している団体をパートナー団体とさせていただいています。
mudef's emergency support program 'HOPE FOR JAPAN' has selected several organizations as its partners.
The organizations have been chosen from among organizations with track records in the areas of emergency relief and medical assistance, who are providing support to the victims of the catastrophe while working in close liaison with administrative bodies.


*AMDAとは、The Association of Medical Doctors of Asia(設立時の名称:アジア医師連絡協議会)

The Association of Medical Doctors of Asia (AMDA)

AMDA is a NPO founded in 1984 (headquartered in Okayama City, Japan).
Based on the philosophy of 'sogo-fujo (mutual help)', AMDA provides emergency humanitarian relief mostly in the medical and healthcare fields in case of natural disasters and disputes. AMDA implements its activities through forming a multinational team of doctors and taking advantage of the international network of chapters located in 30 countries. AMDA has obtained the 'special consultative status' from the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNECOSOC) in 1995, followed by obtainment of the 'general consultative status' in 2006.
◆ After the earthquake, AMDA has dispatched emergency relief teams to the disaster-stricken areas. As of March 20, 2011, AMDA's teams continue their activities in Iwate Prefecture, Kamaishi City (Miyagi Prefecture), Otsuchi-cho (Miyagi Prefecture), Sendai City (Miyagi Prefecture) and Minamisanriku-cho (Miyagi Prefecture). On March 20, 2 doctors joined. There are 23 staff in Iwate Prefecture and 9 staff in Miyagi Prefecture conducting relief activities.
For more information on AMDA's activities, please visit their website.  



Medecins Sans Frontieres Japan (MSF)

Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) is an international medical humanitarian aid organization (headquartered in Tokyo, Japan). Its major objective is to provide emergency medical assistance to populations in danger. In FY2009, MSF dispatched about 4,700 medical staff including doctors and nurses, who worked with approximately 20,400 local staff providing aid in 64 countries (FY2009). MSF Japan is a certified Non-profit Organization established in 2002 as MFS's branch office in Japan.

◆ Currently 2 mobile clinic teams are continuing their relief activities in shelters around Minamisanriku-cho. Further researches are being conducted in Kesennuma City by the 3rd team and in the northern part of Miyagi Prefecture by the 4th team. MSF is planning to distribute sanitary goods such as soaps and toothbrushes to about 10,000 people who have evacuated to the shelters in Minamisanriku-cho.
For the latest information on MSF's activities, please visit their website.   (Japanese)


JENは旧ユーゴスラビア地域における緊急救援のため、JENの前身である日本初の連合NGO「日本緊急救援NGOグループ(=Japan Emergency NGOs)」として1994年に設立。難民・避難民への支援活動を開始。以来一貫して、「心のケアと自立の支援」をモットーに、世界各地で戦争や紛争、また自然災害の犠牲となった人々への支援活動を行ってきました(本部:東京)。その活動はユーゴスラビア以外にアフガニスタン、イラク、ハイチ、エリトリア、スーダンなど多くの国で展開されています。また、その経験を活かして中越地震の際にはボランティアを派遣、今なお新潟で過疎地域でのボランティアによる農業支援や自立支援を継続しています。


Authorized NPO JEN

JEN was originally established in 1994, as 'Japan Emergency NGOs', a group of several Japanese non-governmental organizations active in the Former Yugoslavia, conducting assistance for refugees and internal displaced persons. Ever since its establishment, JEN has been conducting assistance activities for those victims of wars, internal conflicts, and natural disasters, based on the motto 'psyco-social care and assistance for self-reliance'. JEN is a specified non-profit organization headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Other than in Yugoslavia, it has operated in various countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti, Eritrea and Sudan. Making full use of its experience in the international field, JEN dispatched volunteers when the Mid-Niigata Prefecture Earthquake struck the area. Its agricultural aid and self-reliance support in the depopulated areas in Niigata Prefecture are still ongoing.


◆ Right after the quake had struck, JEN's staff conducted field investigation. JEN has started its support activities with emphasis on the northern Miyagi Prefecture, which is suffering from severe damages. JEN is providing goods, preparing and distributing meals to the victims in the area.
For the latest information on JEN's activities, please visit their website

公益社団法人Civic Force(緊急即応チーム)

国内の大規模災害時に迅速で効果的な支援を行うための NPO/NGO・企業・政府・行政の連携組織(本部:東京)。 災害時支援に必要な 【情報】【人】【資金】【モノ】が 組織内で共有・活用されることで円滑で効果的な支援を可能にすることを目的に大災害時の官民連携したプラットフォームの構築と、災害時には情報収集を行い、先遣隊のためのヘリ手配などロジサービス、 備蓄物資を活用した支援活動、パートナーとの連携による支援活動を実施します。 
Civic Forceの活動の最新状況はこちら→

Civic Force (Emergency Response Team)

Civic Force facilitates coordination among government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and businesses to provide effective assistance in case of a large scale domestic disaster. It is a Public Interest Incorporated Association headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Civic Force establishes a platform under the cooperation between the public and private sectors in order to enable smooth and effective support through sharing and utilizing 'information', 'human resource', 'funding' and 'goods' necessary for disaster relief within organizations. It also collects information, provides logistic services as preparing helicopters for the advance team, gives assistance through delivering reserved goods, and conducts support operation through cooperating with its partners.
◆Civic Force is conducting support activity emphasizing on Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture. It has transported balloon shelters and tents for emergency use. It has built 'What-you-can-do Website', a website inviting people and organizations to offer goods, which is a framework enabling the general public to participate in the support.
For the latest information on Civic Force's activities, please visit their website.


PWJは紛争や災害、貧困などの脅威にさらされている人びとに対して支援活動を行うNPO(本部:東京) 。1996年の設立以来、PWJは、イラク北部やスマトラ島沖地震の被災地をはじめ、世界20カ国・地域で支援活動を実施しました。現在、イラク、アフガニスタン、モンゴル、東ティモール、スーダン、スリランカ、インドネシア、ハイチの計8カ国・地域で活動を続けています展開しています。

Peace Winds Japan (PWJ)

Peace Winds Japan (PWJ) is a Non-profit Organization dedicated to the support of people in distress, threatened by conflict, poverty, or other turmoil. With its headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, PWJ has been active in 20 countries and regions including northern Iraq and areas stricken by the Sumatra Earthquake since its establishment in 1996. Currently PWJ is operating in 8 countries and regions: Iraq, Afghanistan, Mongolia, East Timor, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Haiti.
◆Right after the quake had struck, PWJ started to provide support in and around Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture. Currently PWJ is active in Kesennuma City. Since March 19, 2011, PWJ has been distributing emergency relief goods in Minamisanriku-cho, Miyagi Prefecture, and Rikuzentakada City, Iwate Prefecture in addition to Kesennuma City. It will continue to purchase, transport and distribute urgently needed food and sanitary goods to the survivors living in the shelters.
For the latest information on PWJ's activities, please visit their website.