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パートナー団体活動報告(2)特定非営利活動法人ピースウィンズ・ジャパン Report from the partner organization (2): Peace Winds Japan

HOPE FOR JAPANのパートナー団体である、現地で緊急救援活動を展開する特定非営利活動法人ピース・ウィンズ・ジャパンより、活動報告が届きました。




Peace Winds Japan, one of HOPE FOR JAPAN’s partner organizations, sent report to us about the situation in the disaster stricken area and their support operation.

 PWJ, who has operated emergency assistance around the world is now carrying out the distribution of supplies in Kesennuma City and Minamisanrikucho in Miyagi Prefecture and Rikuzentakada and Ofunawatari City in Iwate Prefecture. They are conducting procurement, delivery and distribution of urgently-needed supplies such as food and hygiene product to people in the evacuation centers.





 震災当初、宮城上空から撮った写真 View from the sky above Miyagi, just after the earthquake and Tsunami.







 ドラム缶・ストーブなどの搬入 Bringing in metallic drums and stoves







 宮城県気仙沼中学校での物資配布(3月30日現在) Distribution of supplies in Kesennuma junior high school in Miyagi Prefecture (on March 30)



写真クレジット:PWJ (Photograph credit: PWJ)


*For the latest information on PWJ’s activities, see